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27 November 1896: Emily Ann Frazier letter to Jane Wood Frazier Patterson

Transcribed Letter:

Valley? Farm

Nov 27th 1896

Dear Jane,

You must not think that I am going to tell you anything new or strange because I write. That would be out of my power. You have lived here and know how little news reaches here. I send you two newspapers the only ones I have seen since I came here except a Dutch paper sent her to Mr. Wickeland as it will not be very interesting to you or I, I will give it to Mr. Frazier for gun wadding. I think we will hear more news now as there is a regular mail to Fort Graham once a week.  I like Housekeeping very much, I wish you could come and see us now. Our Mother in Law is coming up this week to stay with me awhile.

I have not heard from your relations lately but when I was in Hillsborough, I saw Isabella and Elvie Ward. They were well and very lively.  Write to me whenever there is any ?.

I like to get letters even if I have no news to writie in answer to them.  I have not heard who is elected President yet.

Yours in haste                                               Emily A. Frazier

P.S. I have a ticket to a big Masonic Ball in Waco Christmas but I will not go I guess.

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