• 1846 Homestead Renovation,  Patterson,  Wood

    John Patterson Loyalty Statement to the United States of America – 19 Nov 1869

    John Patterson signed a loyalty statement following the US Civil War. Below is the transcribed letter (for easy reading) and a photo of the letter. Enjoy!   Transcription: United States of America The State of Texas, County of Hill   I, John Patterson, do solemnly swear in the presence of Almighty God that I will hereafter faithfully support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Union of the States there under and that I will in like manner abide by and faithfully support all laws and proclamations which have been made during the existence of the present rebellion with reference to the emancipation of slaves so help…

  • 1846 Homestead Renovation,  Wood,  Wood Family Reunion 2024

    12 June 1866: S. Candlish to James Wood

      Transcribed Letter: St. George’s Square Sheffield June 12, 1866 Mr. Jas Wood My Dear Sir, Before you read this letter the enclosed funeral card will have conveyed to you the sad intelligence of the death of your Brother – He died from apoplexy- was only five hours ill- and was never conscious after being seized – Tho not being vey well for about two months, he attended to his business until the hour he was summoned above all earthly things. It has passed from amongst us a deeply lamented and much missed man, passed however into an honored grave, we can sayhe served his God faithfully and like his…

  • 1846 Homestead Renovation,  The Homestead's History,  Wood,  Wood Family Reunion 2024

    27 November 1896: Emily Ann Frazier letter to Jane Wood Frazier Patterson

    Transcribed Letter: Valley? Farm Nov 27th 1896 Dear Jane, You must not think that I am going to tell you anything new or strange because I write. That would be out of my power. You have lived here and know how little news reaches here. I send you two newspapers the only ones I have seen since I came here except a Dutch paper sent her to Mr. Wickeland as it will not be very interesting to you or I, I will give it to Mr. Frazier for gun wadding. I think we will hear more news now as there is a regular mail to Fort Graham once a week. …

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    19 October 1862: John Wood to his mother, Isabella Wood

    Transcribed Letter: October 19, 1862 Mrs. Wood I now take the opportunity to you a few lines to let you know that Im well at present. The boys from our sctelinen are all well but Obe we are campt close to El Parsons.  Arch and Eli are at our camps every other day or to.  Archy and Eli has got as fat as hos Parsons Men are bringing in yanks every day or to. Obe has got the flux I saw Mat Finch in des ark as We past thrugh. I didn’t get to see John Patterson but Bob said looket well. Corn is plenty. Is plenty in this part…

  • 1846 Homestead Renovation,  The Homestead's History,  Wood,  Wood Family Reunion 2024

    26 January 1880: William Riddell to his sister, Isabella Riddell Wood

    Transcribed Letter: Wellgreen 26th January 1880 My Dear Sister, I received your letter of 16th Agust 79/ all right and was glad to see you were all well once more, as you say the time is uncertain, it will not be long that we will have the priviledge of writing to one another in this world, but I hope we are all Trusting in Jessus Christ, so that when our latter End does come we may all meet in a Better world, and meet with those who are gone Before, to Dwell for ever with he Lord, this is a world of sin and Sorrow and triles, but if we…

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    November 19, 1878: William Riddell to his sister, Isabella Riddell Wood

    This letter was written by William Riddell, brother of Isabella Riddell Wood. Transcribed Letter: Wellgreen 19th November 1878 My Dear Sister, Yours of August 10th have duly to hand, I was glad to hear from you again and to hear you were all well, I had a letter from Allegheny with the same Post as yours came with, they then were in good health, I have wrote again to day to Mrs. Reids – Mr. Riddell is much about hir usual way.  She is mostly confined to bed, she had one of this ill turns a fue days since, but is greatly covered again, theirs a Dr. Donale in Strathaven…

  • 1846 Homestead Renovation,  The Homestead's History,  Wood,  Wood Family Reunion 2024

    May 7, 1853: Margaret Riddell Letter to Her Sister, Isabella Riddell Wood

    Y’all owe me big for this one.  Not only is is difficult to read, but dear Aunt Margaret used inventive spelling, wrong punctuation, and random acts of capitalization.  Bless her heart. Cobourgh Place, Sighthill January 7th, 1853 Dear Sister, I hop you wil excuse me for not writing before this time to you.  It is wonderful how the time slips by in the worald, I am hapy to inform you that My Mother is just about her usewall way for health although she is very frail. She cannot walk through the house without me supporting her by the wone side and she cannot turn herself in her bed, I put…

  • 1846 Homestead Renovation,  The Homestead's History,  Wood,  Wood Family Reunion 2024

    28 October 1862 Near Little Rock, Arkansas: John Wood to Mother Isabella Wood

    John Wood writes a short letter to his mother letting her know that he is well and that everyone with his are well.  Evidently, they have captured some Union soldiers and are sending them to Little Rock. Transcription: October the 28, 1862 Mrs. Wood, I have taken the opportunity of writing you a few lines to let you know that I am well at present all the boys is well the arcansas taken 80 yanks the other day. We are sending the yanks to Little Rock every day.  I must bring my letter to a close John Wood

  • 1846 Homestead Renovation,  Family Genealogy Research,  Wood

    26 November 1857 Letter from Fort Bridger During Mormon Wars

    John Wood writes home to his mother, Isabella Wood in Texas describing the events and circumstances surrounding him at Fort Bridger, Utah Territory.  He promises he will come home as “soon as Brigham Young will let me”. Transcribed Letter: Fort Bridger, Utah Territory November 26, 1857 My Dear Mother, It is a long time since I wrote to you, but it is a longer time since I heard from you.  I left Paducah, Ky, for St. Louis, Mo. Not finding anything to do there.  I went to Ft. Leavenworth and there I engaged to go as a teamster to Salt Lake.  I intended to have wrote you from that place,…

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    Notification of John Wood’s Death Cloutierville, Louisiana 26 July 1864

    John Wood’s commander wrote home to his parents, notifying them of their son’s death.  The letter is a bit of a jumble of words in places.  One can only imagine how terrible it would have been to write home about death.  I didn’t try to correct his grammar or add missing words.  I’ll leave that up to the reader. Cloutierville, LA July 26, 1864 Mr. and Mrs. Wood, It has become my painful duty to give you the sad news of the death of your son, John Wood.  He was taken sick over three days ago. He was taken with a chill and was not considered dangers until yesterday evening…