From “The Lone Star State” published 1892
The following is a bit from the chapter about Johnson and Hill County.
“Johnson and Hill Counties”
Mrs. Jane M. Patterson, relict of John Patterson, and a lady much respected for her many excellent qualities of mind and heart, was born in Glasford Parish, Scotland, December 29, 1833. Her parents, James and Isabel(sic) Wood, were natives also of Scotland, in which country they were married, and in 1851 they came with their children, nine in number, to the United States. Previous to this, the father had bought some land in Texas from an English colony company and had sailed to America to settle on it. They landed in New Orleans and came direct to Texas, but the land did not begin to come up to their expectations and they did not locate on it. Mr. Wood finally bought the headright located on by Mr. Wyman in Hill County, consisting of 640 acres, and there he passed closing scenes of his life. His surviving children, all daughters, are well known in the county, and are classed among the best citizens. They are named as follows: Mr. J.B. Davis, Mrs. R. A. Ferguson, Mrs. Patterson, subject, and Mrs. Ward. Mrs. Patterson has been twice married, her first husband being Monroe Frazier their nuptials having been celebrated in October 1854. Mr. Frazier was a native of Tennessee and came to the Lone Star State about 1852, settling in Hill County. After marriage they moved to Bosque County, Texas, rented a farm, and there Mr. Frazier cultivated the soil for some time. Later he purchased 320 acres of raw land in Erath County and remained on the same from 1856 until 1859, when he sold out and invested in cattle. In the spring of 1862, he entered the Confederate army, but was soon after taken sick and sent home on furlough. His death occurred on the 27th of May 1862. Three children were born to this union: James. T. Frazier, now in the drug business in Brandon; Christine I., married T.C. Stinson, who is now engaged in the grocery business in Brandon; and Monroe, who was born after the death of this father, is now a prominent farmer and stock raiser of Hill County.
In 1865, Mrs. Frazier married John Patterson, who came with the colony from Scotland. He followed farming after coming to Texas, and owned land, but had made no improvements on it previous to the war. In 1861, he enlisted in the Southern army, and served throughout the war without receiving a wound. Returning to Hill County, he was married, in 1865, as before mentioned, to Mrs. Frazier, who bore him three sons: John R., yet at home; William M., in the drug business in Brandon; and Archibald M., also at home. After marrying Mrs. Frazier, Mr. Patterson made his home with this father-in-law for a few years and then moved on his own farm, where his death occurred a few weeks after. This was in 1877, when he was fifty years of age. His death was caused by exposure and hardships during his army life, for he was never afterward well and hearty. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and his widow holds membership in the same at the present time.
Pages 547 and 548