John Wood Letter to His Mother, Isabella Wood, 21 March (no year given)
John Wood was born in 1841 in Scotland. He joined the CSA and wrote back to his family until his death. This letter is incomplete and the year date is missing.
The Letter
March the 21
Dear Mother,
I received your letter the other day. I was very glad to hear from home and to hear that you was well.
We have got to___________________________ (Junebluff?) now and will be ordered away before long. I don’t now where too. I got in here yesterday. There was a man shot for deserting. I went out and saw him. It was a dreadful sight. Had to kneel down in front of his grave, to be shot. There 12 men had to shoot. A great many of our regt. was out. There is 7 in more to shot next Friday.
I saw John Patterson this morn. He is in good health. The boys…….
(letter continues but there is missing text)
I am in good health.
I got your letter one day and Jeannette’s the next. I was glad to hear from home.
We’re getting plenty to eat, I haven’t got fat if not been sick any except too chills since I left home.
I will have to bring my letter too close.
Your respectfully,
John Wood
I will write again before long.